
A character’s Values can help a character in difficult situations. They often provide an additional push to succeed, as the character’s convictions drive them to achieve more than they might have done otherwise. Whenever a character is attempting a Task for which one of their Values would be advantageous, they may spend one point of Determination. A point of Determination spent provides one of the following benefits:
Title Description
Perfect Opportunity a point of Determination may be spent to grant the character a single bonus d20. This bonus d20 differs from most in that it is considered to have already rolled a 1, and thus generates two successes automatically. The normal limit of additional d20s bought for a Task still applies.
Moment Of Inspiration a point of Determination may be spent to re-roll all the character’s dice in their dice pool.
Surge Of Activity the character may immediately perform another Task as soon as this one has been resolved. This is most useful in combat or other situations where the character is under pressure and cannot normally attempt two consecutive Tasks.
Make It So the character immediately creates an Advantage that applies to the current scene.