Starfleet Personnel File
Mental Imaging
You can envision complicated technology and project the details forward, yielding results with the accuracy of real-world testing. Provided with a schematic or the time to inspect an unfamiliar device, you can quickly determine its use and any necessary repairs. This also makes you an excellent game player; imagine multiple choices and follow their consequences along branching paths to develop the best response. When you attempt a task involving Reason, you may re-roll one d20. In addition, when you succeed at a Reason-based task which is subject to time pressure, the Momentum cost to reduce the time taken is reduced by 1.
Your long, flexible body makes you an excellent swimmer. You can move rapidly and acrobatically on land. Maneuvering and climbing in cramped spaces tubes is easier for you than humanoids evolved for fully upright walking. When you attempt a Fitness test to maneuver through water, within a tight space, or when climbing, gain one additional d20 in your dice pool.